Developing Youth Policy Models between the V4 and Azerbaijan.

Developing Youth Policy Models between the V4 and Azerbaijan.

youth policy models

Dear Friends,

We are looking for partners from Poland, Czech Republic, Slovakia and Hungary for the international meeting that will be held in Baku, Azerbaijan. I ask youth organizations from these countries to contact with me via email with the subject line: International meeting partner request and I will send the form and information about the project. The International meeting will take place on February, 2022. 

The project is prepared for submission to Visegrad Foundation and about the exchange of experience on effective implementation of youth policy, to find out the differences of youth policy implementation in V4 countries and Azerbaijan. Within the project will be organized international meeting and youth organization representatives from V4 countries and local youth organizations from Azerbaijan will come together to engage in youth policy to provide young people with opportunities for successful integration in society and enabling them to be active and responsible.


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