1st Call of Interreg Europe is open!

1st Call of Interreg Europe is open!

Interreg Europe

The first call of Interreg Europe is a fact, a call for interregional cooperation projects.

These projects gather policy-relevant organisations from different countries in Europe working together on a common regional development issue. The programme is structured around one single cross-cutting priority, the Interreg-specific objective ‘a better cooperation governance’. This means that beneficiaries can cooperate on any topics of shared relevance in line with their regional needs, as long as this falls within the scope of cohesion policy.

Policy objectives:

1. Smarter Europe: (i) Research and Innovation capacities, uptake of advanced technologies (ii) Digitisation for citizens, companies, research organisations and public authorities (iii) Sustainable growth and competitiveness of SMEs and job creation in SMEs, including by productive investments (iv) Skills for smart specialisation, industrial transition & entrepreneurship (v) Digital connectivity.

2. Greener Europe: (i) Energy efficiency and reduction of greenhouse emissions (ii) Renewable energy (iii) Smart energy systems, grids and storage (iv) Climate change adaptation, disaster risk prevention, resilience (v) Access to water and sustainable water management (vi) Circular and resource efficient economy (vii) Protection and preservation of nature and biodiversity, green infrastructures, pollution reduction (viii) Sustainable urban mobility for zero carbon economy.

3. More Connected Europe: (i) Climate resilient, intelligent, secure, sustainable and intermodal TEN-T (ii) Sustainable, climate resilient, intelligent and intermodal national, regional and local mobility.

4. More Social Europe: (i) Effectiveness and inclusiveness of labour market, access to quality employment, social economy (ii) Accesses to education, training and lifelong learning, distance and on-line education and training (iii) Inclusion of marginalised communities, low-income households and disadvantaged groups (iv) Socio-economic integration of third country nationals, including migrants(v) Equal access to health care, health systems resilience, family-based and community-based care (vi) Culture and tourism for economic development, social inclusion and social innovation.

5. Europe Closer to Citizens: (i) Sustainable integrated territorial development, culture, natural heritage, sustainable tourism and security (urban areas) (ii) Sustainable integrated territorial development, culture, natural heritage, sustainable tourism and security (other than urban).

The programme eligible area covers the whole European Union territory with its 27 Member States, including insular and outermost regions. In addition, Norway and Switzerland are full members of the programme and organisations from these countries are eligible to participate in projects. Partners from other countries can participate at their own costs.

The deadline is 31st May 2022.

Use our Powerful Consortiums Builder to create your consortium (our data base is under constant charging).

For more info visit: https://www.interregeurope.eu/next-call-for-projects


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