Key Takeaways from the New Agriculture MEPs

Key Takeaways from the New Agriculture MEPs

The European Parliament’s Committee on Agriculture and Rural Development (AGRI) has confirmed its new lineup for the 2024-2029 term, promising heightened political activity. The committee now comprises 49 members, an increase from 48 in the previous term. Leading the committee is Veronika Vrecionová, a Czech MEP from the hard-right European Conservatives and Reformists (ECR) group. Vrecionová, an experienced member with a strong background in agricultural issues, particularly gene-edited crops, is set to chair the committee.

Italy has the largest representation in AGRI, with nine full members and six substitutes. The European People’s Party (EPP) and the Socialists and Democrats (S&D) have both appointed Italian coordinators: Herbert Dorfmann for the EPP and Dario Nardella for the S&D. Among the prominent Italian members are Stefano Bonaccini from the Democratic Party and Camilla Laureti for the socialists, as well as Salvatore de Meo for the EPP.

The increased political relevance of AGRI has drawn high-profile MEPs and politicians who are new to agriculture. Valérie Hayer, president of the liberal Renew Europe group, joins as a full member, emphasizing agricultural issues following recent farmer protests. Spanish MEP Iratxe Garcia Perez, leader of the S&D, will serve as a substitute member. Noteworthy newcomers include Péter Magyar from the EPP, a rival to Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán, and Spanish far-right YouTuber Luis “Alvise” Pérez.

The committee also includes several MEPs with farming backgrounds: 12 full members and two substitutes are current or former farmers. Notable farmers in the committee include Céline Imart from the EPP in France, Jessica van Leeuwen from the BBB in the Netherlands, Stefan Köhler from Germany, and Maria Walsh from Ireland. The new far-right group Patriots for Europe (PfE) has brought in French sheep breeder Valérie Deloge and Hungarian farmer Balázs Győrffy.

Renew Europe features Elsi Katainen from Finland, Asger Christensen from Denmark, and Christine Singer from Germany as farmer members. The Greens have strong representation with organic farmers Thomas Waitz from Austria, Martin Häusling from Germany, and newly elected Cristina Guarda. The Europe of Sovereign Nations (ESN) group includes German farmer and local politician Arno Bausemer.

This diverse and politically charged composition of AGRI promises robust discussions and significant actions on agricultural and rural development issues in the coming term.

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Photo attribution: Nigel Williams, A Green field in the countryside - - 193455CC BY-SA 2.0


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