Stability in Leisure Time Satisfaction in the EU

Stability in Leisure Time Satisfaction in the EU

In 2022, the average satisfaction with leisure time across the EU stood at 6.8 on a scale from 0 (completely dissatisfied) to 10 (completely satisfied), mirroring the results from the previous survey conducted in 2018. This data is part of a broader framework assessing quality of life, which includes both quantitative and qualitative measures of leisure and social interactions. The EU-SILC Ad hoc module on health and quality of life survey in 2022 encompassed 20 variables, ranging from personal well-being (covering satisfaction across various life domains, and emotions such as happiness, inclusion, and loneliness) to social and cultural engagement.

In 2022, eleven EU countries reported satisfaction levels of 7.0 or higher regarding their leisure time. Finland led with the highest score at 7.7, followed by Denmark and Slovenia, both scoring 7.5. The lowest satisfaction levels were observed in Greece (5.5), Bulgaria (5.7), and Cyprus (6.2).

The data indicates that EU households without dependent children reported higher satisfaction with their leisure time (7.0 points) compared to those with dependent children (6.4 points). Educational attainment also showed a distinct trend: individuals with lower secondary education (levels 0-2 of the International Standard Classification of Education, ISCED) were more satisfied (6.9 points) than those with higher educational levels (6.6 points for levels 5-8 ISCED). Those with upper secondary and post-secondary non-tertiary education (levels 3-4 ISCED) scored 6.8 points.

Older adults (65 years and above) recorded the highest satisfaction levels at 7.6 points, followed by young adults (16-24 years) at 7.1 points. The age group of 25 to 64 years was the least satisfied with their leisure time, averaging 6.4 points. Interestingly, both in 2018 and 2022, satisfaction levels with leisure time were identical for men and women, averaging 6.8 points.

The stability in overall satisfaction with leisure time in the EU from 2018 to 2022 indicates a consistent perception among Europeans. However, variations exist based on country, presence of dependent children, educational attainment, and age. Understanding these nuances can help in crafting policies that enhance the quality of life across different demographic segments.

Photo attribution: Horst J. MeuterJuglans Nigra - Val Dieu - Belgium 03CC BY-SA 4.0


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