Nearly a Quarter of EU Children at Risk of Poverty

Nearly a Quarter of EU Children at Risk of Poverty

In 2023, Eurostat reported that nearly 20 million children in the European Union were at risk of poverty or social exclusion, highlighting a pressing social issue that demands immediate attention.

The data reveals significant disparities across the EU. Romania and Spain have the highest rates, with 39% and 34.5% of children at risk, respectively. In stark contrast, Slovenia (10.7%), Finland (13.8%), and the Netherlands (14.3%) have the lowest rates, demonstrating the uneven distribution of economic hardship.

The "at risk of poverty or social exclusion" (AROPE) metric combines three factors: risk of poverty, severe material and social deprivation, and living in a very low work intensity household. Individuals are counted only once, even if they fall into multiple categories, providing a comprehensive measure of poverty.

Material deprivation is determined if a household lacks seven out of 13 essential items. These indicators include the ability to pay utility bills on time, adequately heat the home, and ensure adults have two pairs of properly fitting shoes. If adults in a household meet these deprivation criteria, the children in that household are also considered deprived, creating a ripple effect of poverty.

The European Pillar of Social Rights Action Plan aims to lift 15 million people out of poverty or social exclusion by 2030, including at least 5 million children. However, the COVID-19 pandemic and rising inflation have complicated this goal, highlighting the difficulty of achieving it, as indicated by the latest Eurostat figures.

In her presentation of the Political Guidelines 2024-2029 to the European Parliament on July 18, European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen announced the development of the "first-ever EU Anti-Poverty Strategy." The guidelines also emphasize the need for a renewed focus on social fairness through a new action plan for implementing the European Pillar of Social Rights, aiming to create a more equitable future for all EU citizens.

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Photo attribution: Terence OngPoverty exhibition, S2006CC BY-SA 3.0


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