Supporting Europe's Food and Drink Industry for a Competitive and Sustainable Future

Supporting Europe's Food and Drink Industry for a Competitive and Sustainable Future

From June 6 to 9, 2024, millions of EU citizens participated in electing 720 new Members of the European Parliament (MEPs) to guide the EU's policies over the next five years. The high voter turnout reflected a strong engagement from EU citizens in shaping policies affecting every aspect of business and life, from environmental regulations to economic and social policies.

The recent election results highlight a public mandate for the EU to continue prioritizing a sustainable, growth-focused agenda. This involves maintaining the competitiveness of European businesses while advancing environmental sustainability. There is also a clear call for renewed collaboration between policymakers and industry, emphasizing the importance of effective implementation of existing legislation.

Policy Support Needed for the Food and Drink Sector

The European soft drinks industry has long been a leader in promoting a sustainable and healthier food and drink system, as outlined in our 2024-2029 Manifesto. The new EU legislative term presents an opportunity to further this progress through enhanced cooperation with policymakers to establish a supportive regulatory framework. Key areas of focus include:

1. Maintaining Competitiveness for Sustainable Growth

With over 500 production facilities across Europe and supporting more than 1.8 million jobs, the European soft drinks sector is crucial for the continent's future. Each job in soft drink production creates seven more in various sectors, including agriculture, raw materials, manufacturing, and retail. We produce 97% of our soft drinks within Europe, sourcing over 85% of ingredients locally, supporting thousands of agricultural communities and businesses.

The sector contributes significantly to the EU’s economy, with an estimated annual value chain worth €242 billion. Maintaining competitiveness is essential, requiring regulatory certainty and a robust single market. Policymakers should focus on implementing existing legislation uniformly rather than introducing new policies, providing legal predictability that encourages investment. Additionally, new legislation must be science-based, backed by comprehensive and high-quality impact assessments.

2. Promoting Balanced Diets with Evidence-Based Policies and Reliable Data

Our sector is committed to promoting healthier lifestyles, including reducing the sugar content in our beverages and refraining from marketing to children under 13. Policymakers can support these efforts by advocating for balanced diets through a multi-stakeholder approach and science-based policies. These policies should not discriminate against ingredients approved as safe by health authorities and should foster food innovation, such as the use of low/no-calorie sweeteners. These sweeteners offer a sweet taste with minimal or no calories, aiding in sugar intake management.

It is crucial to base policies on accurate, EU-wide food and drink consumption data. Current data is outdated, limiting effective policy design. Establishing a comprehensive and accurate dataset is essential for understanding consumption patterns across Europe, enabling informed decision-making.

3. Advancing Environmental Sustainability

Our sector is committed to environmental stewardship, focusing on reducing our carbon footprint, conserving water resources, improving energy efficiency, and achieving packaging circularity. Greater progress in these areas requires support for consistent implementation of key environmental laws. Specifically, packaging circularity efforts need well-designed collection systems and a stable supply of recycled materials, ensuring that beverage containers can be recycled into new ones. Additionally, water policies should prioritize conservation and restoration, providing fair access to water resources for all.

As a sector known for our proactive and constructive approach, we are ready to collaborate with all stakeholders. We are committed to working closely with policymakers to create a stable and supportive regulatory environment that enables us to drive meaningful change in sustainability and competitiveness.

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Photo attribution: Original: lyzadanger, Derivative work: DiliffFredmeyer edit 1CC BY-SA 2.0


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